Sunday, December 7, 2008

Dear God, Please send someone to remove the "glue gun" from my cold dead hands.

Our kindergarten family art project is done. I am sick to death of crafting I have been crafting for three days now . My poor children have no clean socks much less anything else. It's time for me to get some work done. I will show you our family banner after it dries tomorrow. The kids drew everything , and I applied it to our project. The children love it. Mission accomplished.

*Vincenzo, don't even think about putting my face on "Chuck Heston's" body, oh yeah that would be freakin' hilarious, but I think that with some hard work ,and determination, I could learn to photo shop within about a month. Then you would "get it". :)


Vincenzo said...

belinda said...

I was a bit worried. Thank's for not makeing me look like Jethro, or Chuck.

Vincenzo said...

You were almost Zira :)

belinda said...

Zira !!!! Oh ,man that hurts.
Extra mortification for you mister.