Friday, April 24, 2009

Caramel is at the Vet as we speak . He's having a sex reassignment procedure done.

Caramel was not very happy with me when I dropped him off at the vet this morning,
but something had to be done because he kept getting into fights with the neighbors cat,
and he would require medical attention.
The vet said that this should help.

But now Buster is having issues from the stress of the cats,
and from Joseph bothering him all of the time.
As you can see it's all starting to take a toll on him ,
but poor Buster is worrying needlessly
because he forgot that he had already had that same operation.
However it has left him with various unaddressed issues , and low self esteem.
We will have to see about getting Buster into a smoking cessation treatment program.
That's tobacco your smoking right Buster ?!