Monday, August 2, 2010

Everlasting love.

I wonder where the kids put our "Bedazzler" ?
I'd look awesome in a jacket like his.

Isn't it cool that Gods love for us is continual and everlasting?
 I love that he's not emotional but constant and more merciful than I can grasp.

I wonder if Christ is bedazzled.


Terry Nelson said...

Play Carlton with Shatner's Lucy - you won't know where you are at.

belinda said...

Hey, this is a drug free zone. hahahaha
I actually played Carlton with Keaton. I found it slightly amusing, then I worked on laundry which I never find amusing.
Boy am I glad that conference is over so I can hear some great saint stories outta you.

I'm proud of you for preaching the celibacy issue. You probably get hate mail for it but someone has to tell people. So many souls - so little time.
As for myself, I'm trying to lighten up a little but so far it's not happening.

Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

Yeah, Jesus is bedazzled...
with us, poor sinners, such as we are.
Praise Him!
Otherwise, what's the point of it all??

belinda said...

Hi Father,
I've been worried about your health because I haven't seen you commenting much over at Mr.Terry's place. Glad your still up and kicking!
(I know our priests are overwhelmed with responsibilities and their real job:)

belinda said...

I'm on the fence, I can't decide if Christ wears a crown or not. Sometimes I think, yea, he would show authority and set boundries (people need boundries) but then again he probably isn't into "things" and perhaps he wouldn't care, so I can't decide.

Wait!! I've decided... He wears gifts all of the time... like a child who is in love with their parent and gives homemade gifts to show their love and appreciation for them the best way that they know how to. So Christ probably wears all of the things people make for him at some point.... he must look amazing!

Oh but wait, maybe there aren't things in heaven? DOH! I'm back to square one!!

BUUUUUT there are viewmaster reels in heaven (the nice ones) otherwise it would be like hell.