Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Our daughter Ana's boyfriend is driving from Michigan to spend the weekend with us. (He's Italian) Joseph is beside himself with excitement because Nate has promised to take the boy fishing and cook an Italian dinner for us. (If Nate ever breaks up with Ana, he's going to have to break up with the entire family and send Joseph a "Dear John" letter.) Ana is a little excited too but then again so am I because I love Italian food - and babysitters for Joseph. hahahaha



Melody K said...

That's a serious fish for a little boy to have caught! (Um, did you have to clean it?)
A boyfriend who can cook Italian, sounds like Ana has a catch, too!

Unknown said...

Remember to tell Ana & Sarah that I'm still considering coming for this home made italian meal....

belinda said...

Mary, bring your children, I like them better than mine. XOXO