Sunday, December 7, 2008

From "Vincenzo" our lovable photoshop ninja master.

Thank you Vincenzo , my kids thought this was hilarious.
I haven't looked this good since..... eight kids ago, sometime back in the 1980's I think.
Hey Paul do these jeans make me look fat? (Paul hates that question.)
I still wear those "Mom" jeans .


Vincenzo said...

belinda said...

Maybe instead of that "Ruben sandwich " you might enjoy this recipe. I was good to go so to speak until they said to "sew up the cavity" I've been to Julia Childs set at the Smithsonian institute . I think that's where I found this- bon appétit.


1 possum
Recipe of dressing
Bacon slices
Sweet potatoes

First catch the possum. Dress it and soak in salt water for 6-12 hours, depending on size and age of possum. Pour off water and then parboil in salt water for 1/2 to 3/4 hour.
Prepare dressing and stuff possum. Sew up cavity and place in baking pan with just a little water. Place in oven for 15-20 minutes. Pour off liquid and reserve it for future use. Lay partially boiled sweet potatoes around possum. Place bacon strips around and across possum. Pour reserve liquid over all and let bake 1 hour longer basting frequently.

belinda said...

BTW. How do you know how old the possum is? My cat never answered when I questioned her about her age.

Vincenzo said...

Looks good! You're making me hungry!

"BTW. How do you know how old the possum is? My cat never answered when I questioned her about her age."

Journal of Mammalogy: Sex and Age Determination in the Opossum

belinda said...

Well that's good to know in case this Armageddon thing begins to pan out. Thanks.

Please advise me.. Is my Telly Savalas post (pictured below) too much? If so I will remove it. I don't want anyone to yell at me for "blasphemy" . I want to avoid sin, but I thought it was funny,
- Maybe not?

Vincenzo said...

Keep it - it was funny.

belinda said...

Thank you Vincenzo, sometimes I am on the fence. I am scared of being held hostage by the O.C.D religious types. Ya know?

belinda said...

You know the ones, they nit- pick Catholicism to pieces , then bitch slap you , then they tell you that Jesus loves you.
They take the fun out of religion. Kinda like Satan.

Vincenzo said...