Our twins spent the last two days at Catholic boot camp.( In November, I know) Grace said that it was awesome. When they arrived by bus they had to dump all of their things out for inspection. No cell phones .(Teachers checked their shoes too!) No electric curlers or electronics of any kind. They had to unwind, and unplug their lives for a couple of days. They had to attend Mass, go to confession, and Adoration. They ordered out 63 pizzas ,and they ate the leftover pizza for breakfast with their pancakes ,and cocoa. Our children have gone on and on about what a wonderful time that they had. They especially enjoyed the talent show. I would have LOVED to have seen that .
Thank you to our Teachers for all that you have taught our children. Thank you- to our Nuns for giving your time to our daughters, and to our Priests for hearing their confessions, arranging Adoration, and for saying Mass. We dearly love our religious community. Your forging relationships with these children that will last a lifetime probably forever. Thank you for enriching our lives. Our daughters can't stop talking about all of you. I believe that this school is the brightest spark in the diocese, and it will produce many religious.
We are blessed beyond measure to be part of this community.
Please God , enable us to continue to send our children to this school .
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