Friday, February 13, 2009

Mary Kay Culp our Kansans for life leader , and one of my favorite people.

Ana is on the left ( our third) , Mary Kay is in the middle , and I am on the right.
Ana has volunteered for Mary Kay at her office many times before.
and has enjoyed over hearing her phone conversations
battling for life with pro choice people.
Mary Kay is tough , and very intelligent, and knows a lot about the Kansas laws.
She makes Ana giggle.


Karen said...

It looks like you are having a good time!

belinda said...

Yes, we had a nice evening.
We were in a room with over 900 pro lifers, and each one of them acted like they cared about you.
You know - really sweet people.

A young couple that were forced into having an abortion by her parents spoke to the crowd. There were some tears too.

belinda said...

I learned that abortion doesn't solve all of your problems , in fact it just creates new ones.

Karen said...

It's so very true. It does cause more problems, not solve any. The same in the case of rape victims. Women already have horrible psychological effects from that incident, and abortion only compounds their problems. It's so sad.

Adrienne said...

You're so durn purty!

belinda said...

Thank you Adrienne, and your so funny.