Saturday, January 23, 2010

Surprise! It was a Charismatic kinda day.

(This is what happens when you take a photo during Mass when you should be paying attention)

Yesterday was the anniversary (sadly) of Roe verses Wade and so my activity director decided to take the both of us to the Kansas State capitol in Topeka to protest in front of the Kansas supreme court. We started our morning off with a Mass in the Topeka municipal auditorium. and as I walked into the auditorium I realized that I had dreamt of the place and the dream had been disturbing. So I'm thinking oh, nice it's gonna be a charismatic kinda day!

I always put God in a box and when he's bigger and grander than the box that I had put him in he always freaks me out. ( I rarely share the weirdness because I don't have approval and I'm a nobody and prefer to remain a nobody. Besides if you read this blog your odd too ;) I have to say the Mass was the most interesting Mass that I had ever been to. Our bishops from Kansas were in Washington D.C. protesting abortion but our "priests for life" who had not gone attended the Mass and rally and there were 14 of them. I'm always so very proud of our priests who participate in these sort of pro-life activities. I dearly love our priests.

I was however discouraged by the Mass. I can't even really talk about it. It was very um, well, I don't know what to say. I was a charismatic Catholic for TEN years and yet I never found a Mass such as that one to be so um,........ disheartening and disappointing. ( I gave my blog administrator the death stare when he began to clap with the music) I don't feel comfortable saying bad things about our fine priests. It's not my place, after all I never went to seminary and I suck at Catholicism , I'm mostly just winging it.

I'm okay with you having a prayer youth rally with protestant songs but it was a holy CATHOLIC Mass.

Ana called on my cell phone and said , "Mom, what's wrong?" and I said I can't talk about it. Then she said , "Did you go to a youth Mass?" " I said , um yeah," then she laughed hysterically.
Grace said, "Mom, you don't understand, it's not protestant music, we sing those songs all of the time in music class, they're called praise and worship songs"

At the conclusion of Mass a frail old man with a hearing aid said to his much older friend in tow, "That was a great service, didn't you think?" I was thinking ,
Dear God , what's wrong with me???
I bet you boys are Baptists.

I'm spitting in the wind.

1 comment:

X said...

Great post! And yes, I'm odd and proud of it!