Thursday, May 13, 2010

I removed the post about the ambitious career opportunities of my children. It was considered a bit crabby ( and poorly written - no surprise there).
But I'm left with this awesome photo to gaze upon...... And dream of ...... Ah, Lake Louise.....

(The photo was tweaked by Vincenzo over at Sancte Pater)


Vincenzo said...

You have 42 votes in one category, 38 in the other.

belinda said...

NO WAY! Not possible. I only have one friend on the entire planet.... the blog administrator and he likes me just part of the time. hahahaha

Oh wait, that's not funny.

He checked our financial stuff yesterday and he likes me even less today....

We may have to eat Buster even though we're not astronauts.
-with minute rice.

Vincenzo said...

I just ate pound cake.

belinda said...

Did you gain a pound?

If you eat a pound of M&M's would you actually gain a pound? What if you ate a pound of lettuce would you still gain a pound? If a pound equals 3,500 calories would you still gain a pound if you drank a pound of ice water which burns extra calories for your body to heat up the water and then to expel it? I say if you eat a pound of potato chips you actually gain two pounds. Been there - done that.... everything else I'm not so sure about.

I do know for a fact though that if you eat a single M&M it will take you a freaking hour on the stair climber to burn it off whether or not it has a peanut is immaterial.

Vincenzo said...

I'm not sure but I think I've gained 20 since I started this pound cake eating habit.

belinda said...

Pound cake habit? No worries, at least it wasn't "yo' granny's crack habit."

*Praying for and building up the body of Christ while there's still time.