Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Vincenzo,  (Catholic blogdoms very own  photo shop ninja master) has produced my colorful new header specifically showcasing  the Galactic quadrant, my brain, and his talent. He said it took him about 45 minutes of his life ( Which he will never get back :O ) and the poor fellow wasn't even compensated for his kindness towards me. In return, I give to Vince- the origins of the Vulcan hand salute. God bless you Vince and thank you.

*FYI, This is a temporary header, posted out of gratitude. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do.

I'd also like to point out the geeky ninja master belt has a knife holster which also doubles as a geeky cell phone cradle. It might be interpreted as inappropriate but I don't post naughty.


Melody K said...

I love the new look, Belinda!

Vincenzo said...

you're funny

Cathy_of_Alex said...

Belinda: Those were 45 minutes that kept Vincenzo off the streets. Give thanks to God!

Vincenzo said...

Cathy, I see how you are now.
I'm going to make some more short films about you.