When my grandfather Albert died, I made it my mission in life to pray for his soul whenever I thought about him and because he died on my birthday I think about him more that I would have otherwise. When Albert was a young boy his parents were divorced and at some point he stopped being a Catholic. My grandmother - who will be buried today was a Baptist. Grandmas mother was a Lutheran and her father a Baptist but neither one of her parents attended church until they were older. My mother who is pictured seated upon her parents laps became a Catholic at the age of 64 ish.
One of the last things my "Saved" grandmother said to one of my aunts as she lay dying last week was quote, "Dr. Stanley, (her physician) took me to this beautiful room and it was full of flowers and it was so peaceful and it was the most beautiful place that I have ever seen and I didn't want to leave that room." Of course Dr.Stanley didn't take her anywhere but he pulled her back from the brink of death on more than one occasion before she actually did die. Apparently this statement unnerved Dr.Stanley as he was moved to hug my aunt who repeated the story to him. The last thing grandma said was, "Tell Alley, (my cousin) I love..... " (She had previously told my aunt Deanna to tell everyone in the family that she loved us.) It wasn't long after that that she went to sleep - the big sleep.
God bless my grandparents. We accept them and love them for the people who God created them to be. Trying to change people is a waste of time and unkind because everyone wants to be loved for who they are. People shouldn't be made to feel as though they have to live up to some sort of an idea or expectation of who you think they should be.
I hope and pray that my grandparents are both feeling the love right now - the big love.
I think you are right that we have to love and accept people for who God created them to be. I hope and pray your grandparents and all the departed are experiencing God's love.
I love that picture, it is so sweet!
What a beauty, too. I can see her in a Bing Crosby movie.
Your grannie was a beauty. And look at that darling little girl!
Grampa was dashing. God I love a man in uniform!
Well, my grannie had a few brushed with death. Once on the operating table, and she came out of it telling us she was someplace in a mist of pure peace and she heard the doctor call her name and she didn't want to leave. Sure enough that was what the doctor told my mother, that they had 'lost' her after a 'touch and go' and he was calling her as they tried to jump-start her back.
I don't think all 'near-death' experiences are spiritual, nor do I think they're just the brain's chemistry as it shuts down as some atheists try to 'splain it away.
But I've know more than a handful of people who have had them, and most of them aren't on 'medication'.
My grandmother always told me that if a person who's passed enters your thoughts or dreams they're asking you to pray for them.
"You send them roses when you pray for them." She'd say. "Now, see this crochet I'm working on? Each triple crochet is a "Hail Mary" meditation for different people, living and dead."
I bet your grandmother is enjoying your bouquets of prayers your are sending for her.
Thank you all for your lovely comments and prayers.
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