Dear Mickey Rooney ,
My children and I love you and we've enjoyed watching your "Andy hardy" and "Huck Finn" movies together as a family but our favorite film of yours has been, "Boys town" and because of that movie, we took our children to see the actual boy's town, where our twelve year old daughter Grace declared -after mass to her stunned parents, "I'm going to become a nun to help poor disabled children. "
- Thanks Mr.Rooney!
(Though to be honest, Father Flanagan's tomb is practically magnetic.)
We will keep you in our prayers and please don't cry anymore because your making
Grace and I cry - for real.
My children and I love you and we've enjoyed watching your "Andy hardy" and "Huck Finn" movies together as a family but our favorite film of yours has been, "Boys town" and because of that movie, we took our children to see the actual boy's town, where our twelve year old daughter Grace declared -after mass to her stunned parents, "I'm going to become a nun to help poor disabled children. "
- Thanks Mr.Rooney!
(Though to be honest, Father Flanagan's tomb is practically magnetic.)
We will keep you in our prayers and please don't cry anymore because your making
Grace and I cry - for real.
Father Flanagan please intercede on Mickeys behalf as you have done for my daughter Kate on many occasions. Your intersessions have arranged for my teen with learning issues to attend a Catholic (college prep) high school where the staff has created a whole new curriculum to accommodate her and then other teens like her. There wasn't a place for my child but Father Flanagan's intersession changed all of that.
Thanks be to God.
Thanks be to God.
Mr. Rooney is, upon information and belief, a Freemason.
We have to ask the Dispenser of Divine Graces on his behalf.
A look into his face is telling.
Jesus Christ called the Sinner to His side as He was raising Lazarus; pray Christ sends for him as he sent for the first person called before the Blessed Sacrament:
“Magister Adest, Et Te vocat Te”
“The Master is here, and He calls you.”
After that, it is all up to Mr. Rooney.
God bless you for your great Charity, Mrs. Belinda.
Please pray for someone I am fighting for.
"...I'm also hopeful that tears for another soul mean something to God..."
Are you serious?
God hears the weeping of the Church and women, and answers them quickly.
We men will be judged for every tear we have caused a woman to shed.
It will be an awful accounting.
Here are a couple of prayers for your consideration:
O Lord Jesus Christ, bless,
I beseech Thee, Thy servant
who has now ministered to
me in Thy name.
Help me to
remember his good counsel
and advice, and to perform
duly what he has rightly laid
upon me.
Grant him the
abundance of Thy grace and
favour, that his own soul may
be refreshed and strengthened
for Thy perfect service, and
that he may come at last to
the joy of Thy heavenly
Who livest and
reignest with the Father and
the Holy Ghost, ever one
God, world without end.
O most merciful God, who
according to the multitude of
Thy mercies does so put
away the sins of those who
truly repent, that Thou
rememberest them no more;
look graciously upon me,
Thine unworthy servant, and
accept my confession for Thy
mercy's sake; receive my
humble thanks, most loving
Father, that of Thy great
goodness Thou hast given me
pardon for all my sins.
O may
Thy love and pity supply
whatsoever has been wanting
in the sufficiency of my
contrition, and the fullness of
my confession.
And do Thou,
O Lord, vouchsafe to grant
me the help of Thy grace, that
I may diligently amend my
life and persevere in Thy
service unto the end, through
Jesus Christ our Lord.
O MOST MERCIFUL JESUS, Lover of souls I pray Thee, by the agony of Thy most Sacred Heart, and by the sorrows of Thine Immaculate Mother, cleanse in Thine Own Blood the sinners of the whole world who are now in their agony and who are to die this day. Amen.
HEART OF JESUS, once in agony, have pity on the dying.
Mickey Rooney's testimony on elder abuse made me cry too.
Fr. Flannagan pray for us.
I'm sorry, I deleted my comments because I'm struggling with anxiety. I will try to force myself to continue blogging for my own good or else I would never speak to other people which is not very healthy.
Thank you both for your comments.
Lola, I wonder if Mr.Rooney's elder abuse was caused by his "Elderly children?"
Dear Mrs. Belinda,
I am sorry to hear you are struggling with anxiety.
Check with your husband for a possible way I might send you a little something.
Maybe he can call me and we might speak about how I can do this.
(602) 821-1211.
God be with you.
Dear Mr.Pablo, It is very kind of you to offer your assistance. Perhaps it would be best if you removed your phone number because people with wicked intentions could call you or locate your where abouts and that couldn't be a good thing - unless your a Lotto winner.
Please consider praying for me.
My husband would have hurt feelings if I called you but thank you for trying to help, it was very kind of you.
Peace Brother Pablo.
Hang in there, sweetie.
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