When she was a little girl, she asked her sister, "why do some people receive more grace than others?" Her sister got out two glasses. One was big and the other little, she then proceeded to fill the glasses until they reached their capacity. Her sister then asked, "which one is more full?" Therese answered, "they are both equally full." This is comparable to how God gives us grace. We are only given as much as we can take. Even if it seems that others have more grace than us, we should be happy because we have as much as we need. Just as in the prayer of humility, the last line states, "May others become holier than I, provided I become as holy as I should. Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it." St. Therese understood this. That is why she's my favorite saint.
She said that in God's garden of life, we are all like flowers. Some of us are roses, others are lilies. There are big flowers that stand out and the little flowers that nobody seems to notice. We are each a flower. She asked, "How would the garden be if all of the lilies wanted to be roses? We should be content with what flower we are, in real life the amount of grace is given in what we can take. If we are a rose we may require more water than the lilies. The lilies must be happy being a lilly because they can't pretend to be roses. Some of us must be content in only being a lilly while others should do their best in being a rose."
You can listen to or read her autobiograpy here. :)
Have a great day!
Yay! I love surprise guest appearances.
Thank you, Grace.
You're welcome Julie! :)
good job Grace. I love St. Therese since my parents named me after her. She has said so many wonderful things that I reflect on often.
This is a beautiful post. I love St Therse,too! Keep up the good work, Grace! You've got a gift.
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