Friday, December 19, 2008

Modern day mortification- King Kong.

The weather predictors were saying that we were gonna get freezing rain yesterday so I decided that I better make a library run .

Do you remember libraries ? Someday we will go to " library museums", and they will charge us admission -$9.50 for adults, and $6.50 for children. We will have tour guides that will walk us along roped off paths, and they will caution us to "stay on the path". They will explain how libraries use to function, while they "shush" us, and send us "death-ray" type stares when our voices go above a whisper, - just like in the good ol' days. They will have sample books for us to touch, and they would explain to us how the Dewie decimal system worked. Our tour guides would tear up as they told us about how the computer made them an antiquated system of knowledge. They will ask for a show of hands to find out how many of you people still have a book or two at home? Then there would be giggles.................................

I use to go to the library at the very least twice a week from the 1980's until we got a computer in 1996. (yeah , I've had a computer for 12 years , and I had just discovered blogging-last June, I just figured out how to send an E-mail last March, and I'm totally serious. )
I use to borrow books about Art , food , history, and design , I love design, I love to build things , anything really. I have many "skills". Once our mailman saw me working on another project in my yard , and he told me that his next wife- his third , would be "handy" like me. He was looking for a "Martha" type.
I got off of the subject here...................
So I rented some movies from the library - lots of 'em , and I thought to myself geese Joseph sure has given me a lot of trouble.. I think that I will rent King Kong , as a passive aggressive gesture. I knew that it would scare him, but that he would love it, and he did . The problem was that he was scared and he got into bed with us last night, and he kicked me in my back most of the night, while he spoke and ran in his sleep. I hardly slept at all. Now the moral of my story is this.. Don't mess with God , you will pay for passive aggressive behavior, God keeps track.
BTW. If this Armageddon thing pans out it would sure be nice to have some more books on hand while I wait. I need to get a book on "how to be raptured".


Adrienne said...

We are blessed to have a beautiful library in little 'ol Post Falls. I spend lots and lots of time there. And, believe it or not, it is a super busy library. The kids are mostly on the computers but, oh well....

And, yes - the Catholic blogoshere is very incestuous...

Adrienne said...

btw - Kirk is my one of my "cyber-nephews" -- Isn't he just the sweetest man??

belinda said...

Yes he is. I was laughing because he said that he would look at my blog ,and then he would- "have his say"...... well Okay then. I can't wait, but just make sure that it's funny.... No pressure. :0