Friday, June 5, 2009

As my children kick my life support cord from the wall socket. I will hear them hum... "Drop kick me Jesus."

*Disclaimer...Some of my children get really mad when I post stuff like this. Hey, it's just a joke.

My blog administrator said that I needed a cell phone during a family meeting.
I said, "I don't need a phone!" and three of our children yelled back at the same time, "yes you do!" The new phone has a GPS device so the older kids , and my blog administrator know where I am at all times.
I may have to act out or rebel. That's a very long umbilical cord. One adult child calls me at least twice a day, and she lives with me.

I get yelled at when I don't answer the phone, and they expect me to drop everything to answer their calls.
By the way while I was on vacation I could read our blogs over my phone, but when I tried to blog from my bed at home the phone said that I was roaming.

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