Thursday, November 12, 2009

Playing tag with demons.

After reading the news today I asked myself, " Why do we continue along on this path that leads to perdition?" Why doesn't Satan say, okay everybody, I need more time and because I know how this story will end I would like to slow this thing down so that I can continue to roam about the earth collecting souls and wreaking havoc. He knows that when it's over he will be thrown into the pit so why does he continue to push God? Maybe even for Satan once the sinning begins it gets out of control just like with humans and it's no longer manageable. Perhaps sin can never be satiated and it requires more and more to achieve some level of satisfaction until it self implodes. Maybe God is waiting for us to implode... on our own.
Maybe God has a set time table and at a certain date in time after we meet some sort of a "sin limit" this will all be over. Maybe we have to wait for the last people to be born. God's love must be so great for us that even though our planet has become saturated with sin, he hasn't walked away and who could blame him if he did?
Every day the news is more sinful and unsettling than the previous days news. I was sickened a few days ago when I read about the human- animal DNA mixing in the news but yet today we have a "three biological parent" scenario over on Drudge. Porn has gotten so bad that the overflow finds you and you don't even have to go looking for it and when it finds you it's like a punch in the gut. The atheist movement is growing drastically, and they're all over YouTube and they have their own blog groups like my Catholic friends do and I'm not even going to talk about the militant gays, and pro-abort women etc.. unrepentant, steadfast, defiant, and sinful. It's all so very sad. I feel bad for God and if it weren't for my family ,friends and my blogger buddies I would feel very alone.
I am proud of the Catholic bloggers who keep posting the truth about Christ, his church and our beloved saints , even though sometimes they catch hell for it. You christian bloggers really are wonderful yet there are so few of us in comparison.

I understand now what Jesus meant when he said,"the gates to Hell are wide and the gates to Heaven are narrow." I always thought that most people who believed in God would go to heaven when they died, but after acquiring high speed Internet access my opinions have changed.

*My interpretation is that Denzils character is calling out to Christ and not saying his name in vain.


Adrienne said...

"I always thought that most people who believed in God would go to heaven when they died, but after acquiring high speed Internet access my opinions have changed."


Lola said...

I've often said "Jesus!" and it was a prayer.

As in when driving, and someone nearly pushes me off the road with my kids strapped in their car seats. I asked the All Mighty for help.

But, I still have to watch it.

I've had to really watch it with the darlings around.