Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I have more photos of dresses from the  Betty Paige store to share with  my daughter Grace who loves dresses and can sew most anything by making her own patterns. 


Lola said...

I want the aqua one.

With a sun hat to match.

I hope you darling Grace has fun with the inspiration.

What is shameful is that the mall trip I recently took had nothing as nice as Betty Page's store!

belinda said...

Yeah, it cracks me up how modest those dresses are considering they were modeled after Betty Paige.

How much do you have to pray to pray a person into heaven? A whisper to God? A shout? A long winded paragraph? Fasting with a missed meal? A Mass? Offering up an aching heart or simply a tear?

Nan said...

That's only for God and the Angels to know. All we can do is pray sincerely.

belinda said...

Nan, What is only for God and the angels to know? If Betty Paige is in heaven or hell? or How much do you have to pray to pray a person into heaven?

I have no way of knowing where Betty Paige is right now but I think the other question is a legitimate one. How much is enough to pray for a soul. Am I spending my prayer time wisely or do I need to fast or add in a mass? Our time is very valuable and limited and I want to pray as effectivly as possible.

Maybe I'm not spending enough time and energy on some souls yet too much of my time is wasted on others - some of whom will never convert. What prayers are most effective?

- I'm just trying to figure out how to be the best Christian I can be Miss Nan, no harm no foul. :)

Enbrethiliel said...


Thanks for sharing these, Belinda! =) The Betty Paige store was my favourite part of your trip--and I don't even like shopping! =P

(And that's the crux of it there, aye? If more stores had clothing like Betty Paige's, I'd be a notorious shopaholic.)

belinda said...

(And that's the crux of it there, aye? If more stores had clothing like Betty Paige's, I'd be a notorious shopaholic.)

Me too Miss E.!