Saturday, January 21, 2012

Obama has taken away some of my religious freedom and caused distress to our Catholic bishops, professional medical personnel and hospitals. These faithful Catholics are not only my brethren in Christ but people who I have great love and affection for. I understand that most people use and enjoy the benefits of birth control and I don't bother you but consider me, the minority who doesn't and if it's okay to coerce and manipulate a minority of people because a majority agrees with Obama consider the implications for other groups of people. I believe birth control to be a sin and though I don't expect anyone else to agree with me, the issue now becomes my religious rights and if today it's okay and even popular to stamp out my rights, tomorrow it may be yours.


Pablo the Mexican said...


Have you visited what are supposed to be Catholic Hospitals or Catholic Institutions?

God takes away that which we abuse.


belinda said...

Yes I know most Catholics use birth control but our bishops need to draw a line in the sand for the Obama administration and for our own people.

I don't "Think" like most people, I consider birth control even worse than abortion because with abortion, God gets a soul for all eternity but with birth control he gets nothing but this is just my personal opinion. I believe Catholics have been participating with birth control for so long now that they don't even consider it a sin anymore and our priests don't preach against it.

When the protestants say, "We've given our hearts to Christ," I would add,... what about your brain, and your ovaries etc... God wants you entirely.